Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Advice for a friend...

I have a friend who just admitted to her boyfriend that she is bi-sexual. He actually doesn't mind it. She said that she really isn't ashamed but she doesn't want her family to think otherwise of her. She really doesn't know what to do. I tried giving her advice but I don't know if it helped. Do you think you could help her? What would you tell her to do?


  1. I like ur blog its really kool check out mine too
    ill follow u if u follow me

  2. hey...i kno who ur talkin bout ...i think

  3. Honesty is definitely the best policy....

    and she seems to be doing very fine at that,

    but when it comes to her telling her family?

    HMm..I come from a nigerian background so if i was in her shoes I would never say anything because of the type of parents that i have. if she can talk to her parents then maybe she should try to tell to them, but PERFECT TIMING is extremely imperative !

  4. This is her life...she doesn't owe a duty to her parents to divulge her sexuality. She should just live life her way, hey her man is fine with it, that is all that matters.

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    Katlynne LaSalle aka ms downlow
